STE[A]M Classes
Virtual & In-Person Options Available
12 Week Program
Starting September 20th
Ages 3 – 17
Time varies based on class session
Our STE[A]M program uses SciTech Kids’ comprehensive curriculum which covers a range of disciplines including biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, architecture, astronomy, earth science, robotics, and coding (Scratch, Minecraft Mod, and Python).
Our approach is project-based since we believe the best way to study STEM is to do STEM. In each class, children participate in a fun, hands-on activity that centers on experimenting, tinkering, designing, or innovating as they explore a topic.
Whether your child is a SciTech Explorer (Ages 3 to 5), SciTech Adventurer (Ages 6 to 8), SciTech Investigator (Ages 9 to 12), or SciTech Scientist (Ages 13 to 17) our program requires kids to think critically and solve problems by working individually or collaborating with their peers.
Classes meet once a week for 1 hour and 15 minutes and consist of small multi-age groups. The program also fosters creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving, skills that are needed for success in the 21st century.